Premium Rush Easter Special. A nice club at the first promenade on the Lake of Zurich. The noble Venue for and adult crowd. On the turn the DJs Mike Steez and Steve Supreme.
If you're a Hip Hop Fan and you call Zurich your Hometown, you know Wednesdays at Gonzo we play the real Hip Hop, going back to the Old School, Golden Era up to the pre and post Millenium Classics.
For them who ain't from Zurich. JOIN! I Promise you wont regret. Let's get this going...some might would call this THE DO OVER of Zurich called Trapped!
on the Cuts:
DJ Steve Supreme & Friends...come see for yourself who Steve invited.
This Weekend two Battles are taking place. The Sunday Version will be held in the new and fresh Club "Drei Raum" in the lovely Moutain Village Arosa. After a nice opening Apéro it's save to say it's gonna be a fun and hot night up there!
Join the Funky Bunch.
Sunday Line up:
Fadeout & ResQ vs. Bazooka & Ron'Del
This Saturday we hit the Barock City Solothurn in the west of Switzerland. A nice calm vibed City...but not this Weekend, we let it get lound and crazy. Team Jäger will be respresented by Steve Supreme & Fadeout and Team Meister will be the DJs Wiz and Bazooka.
MC Samurai will hit you with an energetic MIC hosting and will be the Referee like at most of our Tourstops.
Steve Supreme & Fadeout vs. Wiz & Bazooka
We go in to the next Round (5) at Bolgenschanze Davos. Boarders, Skiers, Tourist, Battle Fans. Join us, if you was at Bolgenschanze last time, you know we make it pop off hard, wenn Team Jäger goes against Team Meister. MC S-Rock will be Referee.
Battle Sets by ResQ & Mike Steez vs. Bazooka & Ron'Del
Come Early, the line will be long!
GRATIS Eintritt und Cüpli für alle Ladies von 23:00 – 24:00 Uhr
Music: HipHop - R&B - Club Music - Partytunes _______________________________________________________________________
Baden we love you!
Schreien wir es in die Nacht hinaus! Schreien wir es so laut, bis uns die gelangweilten Zürcher hören: We Love Baden! Denn nebst dem Fakt, dass Baden die schönste Stadt der Schweiz ist, haut jetzt noch das LWB einen obendrauf und bietet jeden Freitagabend DIE Blackmusic-Party für alle, die das Geld fürs Zugbillet lieber an der Bar verprasseln oder im Sparsäuli versenken. Nationale und internationale DJs, eine Bar mit sehr fairen Preisen, gratis Eintritt & Cüpli für die Damen, Gute Musik vor der Haustür, jedoch ohne Lärmklagen. Das ist die GoodLife. Am Fretiag, 8. März 2013 mit den Local Superheros DJ Redrum, BigBoys und DJ Xtrem. Yo! |
We take it to another Round at Club Duo in Biel/Bienne. The boarder of the french part to Switzerland. We got MK and Wiz going in hard for Team Meister and Steve Supreme and Mike Steez will put down their skillz for Team Meister.
Samurai as usual will be on the MIC as Referee.
DJ Ker will warm up the night!
Free Shirts, free CDs. free Caps....and more...
Mike Steez and Steve Supreme hit you with the best classics, hits and hippest tunes.
Join the monthly Milkshake night!
The next round will take place in the high society place Gstaad. Hollywood Stars, Rockstars and of course our Battle of the Djs Crew will celebrate another Bash at Split Club Gstaad.
This Round it's DJ Redrum and ResQ holding it down for Team Jäger and for Team Meister DJ Shade and MK give their best sets to show the rival team who's the better crew.
Join the crazy Battle Night in the luxurious place in the mountains!
Here we go again, it's the third Thursday in the month and Supremus Sounds welcomes you in the hottest spot for the pre Weekend Night. Thursdays at Mascotte, the place to be.
on the cuts:
Redrum, Shade and MK
Directly at the lake of Zurich Club Diagonal is known for an elegance and style that goes unmatched anywhere else, it's part of the luxury Hotel Baur au Lac. Making it the perfect spot for Celebrating with your Friends!
Mike Steez & Steve Supreme spinning an eclectic mix of House, Dance, Disco, 80's and Hip Hop and Mash UP
Dresscode: Casual Elegant
Age: 23
Bottle Service at Lounges
Lounge Reservation:
or send me a PM.
Enjoy this great Night with us!
Wir freuen uns über das bestätigte Booking von DJ Redrum - mit dem Mitglied bei Supremussounds, einem der renommiertesten Labels in Zürich, bringen wir einmal mehr die Extraklasse an die FHS in the Mix nach St. Gallen. Sein Repertoire reicht von Hip Hop über Soul bis Electro und wir können Euch garantieren, dass Redrum am 21.02.2013 niemandem die Ruhe lassen wird!
♫ Redrum ♫ (Open Format)
♫ Luc G ♫ (House / Electro)
♫ Larcenist ♫ (Hip Hop)
We celebratin another Plaza Club get together at tonights Shake Shake Shake Party. Mikesteez invited DJ FLO (NYC), Steve Supreme and Sharon for the Bash.
We take you back in Time, so be there and come on a journey with us.
we gettin at the Second Round with the Battle of the DJs.
Tonight Team Jäger with DJ Fadeout & DJ ResQ vs. Team Meister with Scaloni and Ron'Del
We will see who gets the crowd more crazy! ;)
This Years Referee: Samurai on the MIC!
Come Early, Place is gonna be packed!
Ab 22h Vernissage/Art Show und Verkauf von limitierten und handsignierten Drucken.
Boogie is my Friend After-Party. BADNEWS feiern Boogies Friendship – exklusiv in der Lobby des Riders Palace mit den gigantischen Jungs von DNZ DJ Set und dem unglaublichen DJ Redrum.
GRATIS Eintritt und Cüpli für alle Ladies von 23:00 – 24:00 Uhr
Music: HipHop - R&B - Club Music - Partytunes
Baden im Glück...
Das Glück kann so nahe sein – man muss es nur ergreifen! Denn neu muss man auch an einem Freitag nicht in die grossen Städte pilgern, um beim Nonplusultra der Partyszene dabei zu sein – ein paar Schritte zum kultigem LWB reicht allemale – The GoodLife ist nämlich seit Dezember 2012 hier beherbergt und bietet jeden Freitag Blackmusic, Partytunes, Club Music HipHop und R&B die ganze Nacht lang, gespielt von lokalen und nationalen Super-DJs.
VIVE, liv it up to the max and enjoy, that's how we feel and act! Vive brings you this feeling packed with a summary of good music, hot chicks, nice gents at a hot location in Switzerlands hot spot for parties, Zurich City. Be there and get the groove on with Steve Supreme!
Upstairs Slice and Hispanic Joe
Downstairs Acee and Steve Supreme
my playtime:
02:00 till 04:30 ish...
We are celebrating the last Haute Glamour at Barrouge, so you gotta join tonight if you are in the Basel Area.
Supremus Sounds Floor on the highest Basel Level. See you there.
New Year, New Concept, New Battle Tour, Bern Capital City Kickoff Battle. May the stronger Team win!
This year we start the Tour with a fresh new concept. 6 vs. 6 Top DJs. Team Jäger vs. Team Meister. Who's gonna win? No sound rules anymore. Play what you want and get crowd as loud as you can.
Join one of the Dates!
more infos: