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21.11.2013 DJ Fadeout DJ ResQ,  DJ Steve Supreme,  Flyer, 

Supremus Sounds Night @ Silk Mascotte Club Zurich

The monthly Thursday night of Supremus Sounds. Come tru to Mascotte Club.

With Steve Supreme, Fadeout and ResQ on the Decks. D-Law on the Mic.

Silk this is your Night. What else.

Hosted by Restlezz






14.03.2013 DJ Fadeout DJ ResQ,  Flyer, 

Battle of the DJs Round 7 @ Drei Raum Arosa

This Weekend two Battles are taking place. The Sunday Version will be held in the new and fresh Club "Drei Raum" in the lovely Moutain Village Arosa. After a nice opening Apéro it's save to say it's gonna be a fun and hot night up there!

Join the Funky Bunch.

Sunday Line up:

Fadeout & ResQ vs. Bazooka & Ron'Del

14.03.2013 DJ Mike Steez DJ ResQ,  Flyer, 

Battle of the DJs Round 5 @ Bolgenschanze Davos

We go in to the next Round (5) at Bolgenschanze Davos. Boarders, Skiers, Tourist, Battle Fans. Join us, if you was at Bolgenschanze last time, you know we make it pop off hard, wenn Team Jäger goes against Team Meister. MC S-Rock will be Referee.

Battle Sets by ResQ & Mike Steez vs. Bazooka & Ron'Del

Come Early, the line will be long!

23.02.2013 DJ MK DJ Redrum,  DJ ResQ,  DJ Shade,  Flyer, 

Battle of the DJs Round 3 @ Split Club Gstaad

The next round will take place in the high society place Gstaad. Hollywood Stars, Rockstars and of course our Battle of the Djs Crew will celebrate another Bash at Split Club Gstaad.

This Round it's DJ Redrum and ResQ holding it down for Team Jäger and for Team Meister DJ Shade and MK give their best sets to show the rival team who's the better crew.

Join the crazy Battle Night in the luxurious place in the mountains!

16.02.2013 DJ Fadeout DJ ResQ,  Flyer, 

Today Battle of the DJs @ Bolgenschanze Davos

we gettin at the Second Round with the Battle of the DJs.

Tonight Team Jäger with DJ Fadeout & DJ ResQ vs. Team Meister with Scaloni and Ron'Del

We will see who gets the crowd more crazy! ;)

This Years Referee: Samurai on the MIC!

Come Early, Place is gonna be packed!

25.01.2013 DJ Fadeout DJ MK,  DJ Redrum,  DJ ResQ,  DJ Shade,  DJ Steve Supreme,  Media, 

Newspaper 20min writing about the Battle Tour

New Year, New Concept, New Battle Tour, Bern Capital City Kickoff Battle. May the stronger Team win!

24.01.2013 DJ Fadeout DJ MK,  DJ Redrum,  DJ ResQ,  DJ Shade,  DJ Steve Supreme,  Flyer, 

Battle of the DJs Tour 2013

This year we start the Tour with a fresh new concept. 6 vs. 6 Top DJs. Team Jäger vs. Team Meister. Who's gonna win? No sound rules anymore. Play what you want and get crowd as loud as you can.

Join one of the Dates!

more infos:


16.01.2013 DJ Fadeout DJ MK,  DJ ResQ,  DJ Shade, 

Supremus Sounds Clash @ The Club Glarus

Since the Casineum Shady Supremus Sounds Clash was so much fun and a big success, we keep it rolling in the centre of Switzerland. Close to all them snowy mountains.

See you at The Club Glarus for another big Supremus Sounds Clash with the Turntable Tricksters Fadeout, ResQ, Shade and MK.

Free Welcome Shots till 23:30.

15.01.2013 DJ Fadeout DJ ResQ,  DJ Steve Supreme, 

Supremus Sounds Night @ SILK Mascotte

Each 3 Thursday we play at Mascotte Club. This Supremus Sounds Night following DJs on the Turns will be Steve Supreme, Fadeout and ResQ. Be there and come early.

by now you should know, Supremus Sounds nights are always hot nights and lots of party hungry people will line up. And you don't wanna stand in line long, when it's cold outside. ;)

See you there:



18.09.2012 DJ Fadeout DJ ResQ,  DJ Shade, 

Supremus Sounds Night @ SILK Mascotte Club Zurich

Here we go for another Night with Supremus Sounds at Mascotte Club Zurich. Like everytime we are in a good mood to play this club. This night serving you with beats, Fadeout, Shade and ResQ is taking MKs place. Get silky with us this Thursday!

Table Reservation:


04.08.2012 DJ ResQ DJ Shade, 

HAUTE GLAMOUR- Show some class!

Die Bar Rouge präsentiert das einzigartige, neu überarbeitete Label, welches Black Music, Haute Couture und eine grandiose Aussicht verbinden.

Zeigt eure glamourösen Outfits und feiert mit aussergewöhnlichem Styling mit uns durch die Nacht! Kein Musikwunsch wird ausgelassen von unseren TOP DJ`s um euch einen unvergesslichen Abend zu gestalten.
Also macht euch schick und verbringt die Nacht mit uns in 105 Meter Höhe!

Urban Floor: DJ SHADE & RESQ (supremussounds)
Mixedfloor: DJ Skilly

Over the Top, You can't be overdressed!
- Top Dj‘s

Mit Stil durch die Nacht feiern!

19.07.2012 DJ MK DJ ResQ,  DJ Shade,  Flyer,  Fun, 


It's summer time...sunshine, enjoy the day and let sun keep on shinnin with the good mood music from the Supremus Sounds Team. We don't care if the rain is coming back. We let you feel like summer with the positivity in out sets. So join us and keep on celebrating this low summer breeze night with the DJs MK, Shade and ResQ.

Last swiss DJ Set from DJ Shade before he goes on his Croatia Journey.

Tables: www.mascotte.ch

09.05.2012 DJ Fadeout DJ MK,  DJ Mono,  DJ Redrum,  DJ ResQ,  DJ Shade,  DJ Steve Supreme,  Flyer, 

Supremussounds Member Dj Shade mit eigenem Label im Casineum Luzern!!

Nach über 8 Jahren als Resident Dj im Casineum Luzern, startet Dj Shade am 12.5. nun mit seinem eigenen Label "SHADY".
Das Motto heisst "Strictly RnB, Hip Hop, Dancehall und Dirty South" und findet jeden Monat im The Club/Casineum statt.
Unterstützt wird Dj Shade dabei natürlich von seiner ganzen Supremussounds Familie, wie auch von anderen Big Names der Schweizer Blackmusic Szene.
Good Djs, Good Music, Good People!
Start am 12.5. mit Dj Shade, MK und Warren. Wir freuen uns!!

03.05.2012 DJ MK DJ ResQ,  DJ Steve Supreme,  Flyer, 

Friday Night Clubbing in St. Gallen

You know what's the best place to go to on the first Friday Night of the Month.

Yup, Club Trischli in St. Gallen. Rhythm & Blues with Steve Supreme, MK and ResQ.
All the Classy Music you need and want.

Girls trow on your best Heels. Free entry till 1 if you dress up like u should for this club. ;)

see y'all there!

03.05.2012 DJ ResQ Flyer, 

Starnite Ibiza Special at Jade Zurich

Who doesn't like "the Island" Ibiza in Summer Time? We always love to go back and have a fun times with cool People. This time we bring the Island into Zurich City. Check it out: Jem Haynes (We Love Space), Mike Peters and DJ ResQ (Supremus Sounds)! Saturday clubbing in Zurich. Best place to be this Weekend in Zurich is most definit Jade.

For Tables call: 044 202 6002

02.05.2012 Concert DJ Fadeout,  DJ Fatfingaz (USA),  DJ MK,  DJ Mono,  DJ Redrum,  DJ ResQ,  DJ Steve Supreme,  Flyer, 



19.04.2012 DJ Mono DJ ResQ,  DJ Steve Supreme, 

MICHAEL KIWANUKA, After Silk with Supremus Sounds at Mascotte


+ Support: JAKE BUGG

ab 19.30


After Supremus Sounds Night at Silk Mascotte Club Zurich.


Be there, hottest Thursday Night in Town. U know!


The Beatfingaz feat. Steve Supreme & Mono with Supremus Sounds younggun ResQ.

01.03.2012 DJ MK DJ ResQ,  DJ Steve Supreme, 

Rhythm & Blues in St. Gallen

It's time for some soulness, some hot Ladies and well dressed Gentlemen. Ladies put on your Michael Kors best Heels and see you at the nicest R & B Party in SG Town! See you Friday!

29.02.2012 DJ Redrum DJ ResQ, 

REDRUM & ResQ @ BarRouge

Zeigt eure glamourösen Outfits und feiert mit aussergewöhnlichem Styling mit uns durch die Nacht! Kein Musikwunsch wird ausgelassen von unseren TOP DJ`s um euch einen unvergesslichen Abend zu gestalten.
Also macht euch schick und verbringt die Nacht mit uns in 105 Meter Höhe!

Supremus Sound Floor: DJ's Redrum & Reso

20.01.2012 DJ MK DJ Redrum,  DJ ResQ, 

SILK "This is your night" JAN. 2012

Dj's DJ resQ / Redrum & MK rockin Mascotte!

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