DJ Shade at Backstage Club St. Gallen

Another Night with DJ Shade at Backstage Club St. Gallen. Finest R'n'B from our soul connoisseur Shade. Check em out at Backstage and don't miss out!
Another Night with DJ Shade at Backstage Club St. Gallen. Finest R'n'B from our soul connoisseur Shade. Check em out at Backstage and don't miss out!
Each month Fadeout plays along Johnny Roxx at Trischli Club St. Gallen in Switzerland when they say "Klischee", go check em out at a night with no boundaries!
Table Reservations:
Check out this Article. Cali is talking about who or what's next.
Big up to Dante and Salute to California USA.
Wo sonst ist die Dichte an etwas anderen Artgenossen höher als in dieser Luzerner Bar?
Die Schwarzen Schafe spielen mit der Musik im Lokal genau die Sinne an, die man auch gerne verwöhnen möchte.
Nichts für Herdentiere…und dennoch auch für Weisse Schafe.
Die richtige Musik am richtigen Ort.
Summer is slowly coming to an end. Before we do look forward ending this summer, we end it with a big smash on the mediterranean Island Ibiza. A global know spot to end the hot season with a big BANG! Let's go...
Get your tickets on
see you there!
Win Tickets on Radio 105 for the yearly 105 Night at X-Tra Limmathaus in Zurich.
Tune in, win tickets and be part of the crazy night.
Good memories from the croatian Summer 2012. Best Night at Colosseum with Steve Supreme. On the Beach of the adriatic Sea, sexy Ladies, hot dresses, nice drinks, dope beats and good partypeople. :)
Steve Supreme across the german boarder up north. Head of Supremus Sounds is giving a guest apperance in one of Dresden finest Clubs. Spinning the night with the german DJ Hero Pro Zeiko. If you're in the area make sure to come tru.
One of our old crew members, nowadays friend and solo artist DJ Irresponsible will be featured on the Radio 105 Show of Steve Supreme / Supremus Sounds & Friends. Tune in on 93FM or:
The Club Glarus welcomes you back for the Fall Season with Supremus Sounds DJ Redrum.
We proud to anounce that Supremus Sounds will have another Slot with Steve Supreme / Supremus Sounds and Friends on BM Radio Hamburg in Germany. We are looking forward to start playing for the german HipHop and R'n'B listeners.
Some more news on a one hour mix from Steve Supreme, have a listen on soundcloud or download it for your ride tru the streets on trains, cars, buses ...
Tune in Tonight 23rd August 2012 at 10 - 11 pm DJs Steve Supreme and FLO from New York City are giving you a one hour mix from the newest US Tunes mixed with sum of their own music flavors. Don't miss out and tune in on 93 FM or !
Y'all know you have to be down with Supremus Sounds and get fonky with us while crackin up the whole night. This third thursday it's Steve Supreme & Mono (Beatfingaz) with the one and only Fadeout on their side. Beatfingaz / Supremus Sounds Clash! Legooooo!
We might have a Special Guest for you on the Decks flying in from the US! ;)
come early and get in for sure.
girls get your free drink if you there early.
In June Steve Supreme and Redrum were out in the USA on a Tour visiting NYC, Miami, Las Vegas, L.A. and San Diego. Here a little Video as an Impression. Thanks for all the support and big up to the party crowds for going in as hard as you did!
Special Thank you goes out to Tony Touch, Big Jeff, Fatfingaz, Mike Steez, Slowhand, K-Razor, Jay Sample and of course DJ Flo & Jonesy!
Die Bar Rouge präsentiert das einzigartige, neu überarbeitete Label, welches Black Music, Haute Couture und eine grandiose Aussicht verbinden.
Zeigt eure glamourösen Outfits und feiert mit aussergewöhnlichem Styling mit uns durch die Nacht! Kein Musikwunsch wird ausgelassen von unseren TOP DJ`s um euch einen unvergesslichen Abend zu gestalten.
Also macht euch schick und verbringt die Nacht mit uns in 105 Meter Höhe!
Urban Floor: DJ SHADE & RESQ (supremussounds)
Mixedfloor: DJ Skilly
Over the Top, You can't be overdressed!
- Top Dj‘s
Mit Stil durch die Nacht feiern!
Samstag, 04.08.2012 ab 23:00 Uhr
Mindestalter: 21 Jahre
Zu Beginn in der Urania noch klein und fein, nun ein richtiger Stimmungsgarant: Die Starnite beehrt einmal mehr das Jade. Kein Schickimicki-Anlass und kein steifes „Sehen-und-Gesehen-werden“, alles was hier zählt ist Stimmung und ausgelassenes Feiern auf höchstem Niveau. Die bekannten Djs MK und J. Fab sorgen dafür, dass auch die letzten Wände abgerissen werden. Für den Einsturz der letzten Hemmschwelle garantiert unser eingespieltes Barteam mit eiskalten Drinks und feurigen Shots. Nicht zu spät anstehen, der Platz an der Starnite wird schnell knapp! Und das zu Recht!
DJ MK Supremussounds
J. Fab
Hip Hop
Steve Supreme will play another set at the nicest club in Opatia Croatia. The Colosseum. Join the crazy sexy night from the Label R'n'B Exlusive
Join the Night at Club Jungle Krk Croatia R'n'B Exclusive to the fullest!